t: 770-479-2772

2024 Tournaments

April 20-21: 4-Man Scramble - Results
May 18-19: 2-Man Scramble* - Tournament Page
June 8-9: 2-Man Better Ball*
June 15: Father-Son/Father-Daughter Scramble
July 20-21: Member-Member / Member-Guest*
August 24-25: Club Championship and Family Picnic
(* denotes open to non-members)

In addition to these events, a new Wednesday Night Golf League will get started in the Spring. This will be a ten (10) week, 2-Man team competition of varying formats with winners being paid out weekly and at the culmination of the season. There are also plans to have the individual Match Play Tournament start near the end of Summer.

The LGA event schedule will be released soon.